If you have a book, audio series, or any valuable "information" to sell... my inside secrets will show you ways to make more money, higher profit margin, and save you headaches and confusion regarding the internet.
This program is for you if you meet one or more of these criteria:
1. You have written a book
2. You are a publisher of non-fiction books or information
3. You are a professional speaker with products to sell
4. You have a website that sells information, but don't know why it isn't making money.
5. You are just curious how I went from an unknown college student to a well respected author, publisher and media personality with a thriving six-figure, behind-the-scenes residual income in just a few short years.
The course is divided into 9 sections with questions and answers for each section. You can access it online, anytime, 24 hours per day. Or, we can mail you a disk. Recently, I had the questions audio portion transcribed and dumped into one big 67 page ebook So, you can download this ebook in the form of a PDF and print it out. But, this "transcript" is only part of the course.
As long as you can listen to Real Audio files and open PDF files, this course will be like looking at a very interactive and informative private website.
Internet marketing is any form of business practices that attract new customer or earn more money. There are two keys to making money on-line selling anything.
1. Generating Traffic: Getting people to your site so they become prospects or customers
2. Conversion: Converting visitors into customers or prospects
This course reveals expert tips on both elements by relating to you my "in the trenches" stories of trial and error, profit and loss, and literally turning over my "million dollar rolodex" for you to save years in building your online business. If you fail at either #1 or #2... your business will fail.
In our company, we have a checklist of over 199 "tasks" that must be performed before a new website is ready to launch and make money. Do you know what those 155 "tasks" are and which of those 199 elements is costing you money? I'll bet you money that you have left out one or more of the critical elements to making money.
I can already tell you without looking at your site, you probably are missing out on some key conversion techniques. If you are so confident that your site can convert visitors to customers, just go buy traffic and pay 25 cents per visitor. If you still make money, you were right. However, if you are not converting at least 1:100 visitors, your site needs some modification .
Oh, yes, I'll discuss where you get more traffic.
I will tell you in my own words...
* How I turned a bookstore failure into a $12,000 per month automatic money machine.
* How you can quickly convert your books into on-line digital products.
* How you can get 1,000 other websites promoting your book in 90 days.
* Where to go to hire the right people on a shoestring budget!
* 1 Big Fat Lie about book related websites. (Your site will not make this mistake.)
* 3 Easy Steps to selling your ebook online for 97% profit margins.
* The 4 costly mistakes most author websites make and how to avoid them.
* How the word "FREE" cost me $10,000 on a national TV show.
* Learn when the word "FREE" makes you more profits and when "FREE" will cause you to lose your shirt.
* How to turn a $15 book into a $1500 product that has 100 times more value to the reader.
* Get every phone number in my business Rolodex that will save you years and thousands of dollars!
Over five hours of live seminar recordings from the nation's leading experts in:
Getting Radio Publicity (Alex Carrol)
Special Market Book Sales (high volume/ no returns) (Jerry Jenkins)
Getting Free Publicity (Tami DePalma)
Book Publishing and Book promotion (Kim Duschinski)
Converting Radio Publicity into Dollars (Mike Van Norden)
Plus, Over four hours of me, Bart Baggett, covering every other conceivable topic! ...And everything else I've learned about publishing, Internet marketing and landing free publicity.
When you enroll, you will instantly download your password and get it in an e-mail, so you can begin listening, reading and learning Internet and publishing secrets that will set you free! And, like all of my products, you have a ONE FULL YEAR Money Back Unconditional Guarantee! Furthermore, if you apply the systems, follow all the steps, and they don't work for your book or product, I will give you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK.
You can peruse the entire Table of Contents here, or you can just trust me and order now. Not only is the course worth 100 times what I am charging for it... it continues to grow. I will keep updating it with each new project I am involved in AND client questions (from you, perhaps), and answers from me, Bart Baggett. The bonuses alone are worth $288. Many people have advised me to charge $499, but I want everyone that needs this info to be able to afford it. During this limited time offer, your price is just $297 complete. This includes "lifetime access" to future updates at no additional charge and the 10 bonus books
Lifetime Access to the online e-Publishing Course:
Over 4 hours of Audio Files by Bart
Royalty-free Website Templates
Over 4 hours of Interviews and Speeches by Industry leaders
Million Dollar Rolodex
Media Kit
Downloadable PDF book with course highlights and audio transcripts. |
INCLUDES Bart Baggett Digital Products:
Digital Product: Double Your Income $49.95
Digital Product: Stop Smoking w/Hypnosis $49.95
Digital Book: The Secrets to Making Love Happen $15.95
Self-Publish at the Speed of Thought by Tom Hua
Million Dollar E-mails by Yanik Silver
Autoresponder Magic by Yanik Silver
Internet Cash Machines by Allen Says
Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan by Wayne Perkins
A Cheap and Easy Guide to Self-Publishing Books
Publishing with EbookoMatic
Professional Cover Creation Tutorial
eBook Cover Templates |
Value of Digital Products
Combined Value of eBook Bonuses
$172.61 |
Total Value of Program and all Bonuses!
$585.46 |
Internet Only Discount if you order now* |
<$288.46> |
Your Total Investment for INSTANT TOTAL ACCESS |
$297.00 |

7. Who are you and why should I listen to you about book publishing or internet marketing.
That's a great question. Lately, it seems another "internet guru" pops up everyday claiming to be the "know it all" of the online kingdom. I think I am qualified to help you if you are selling information on-line. Here is why I believe that and others do to:
1. I have had a website since 1995 that is earning money.
2. My main website , myhandwriting.com, is #1 in google and yahoo for it's key words and is the world's leading site for its niche.
3. I haven't had a real job since my first book was published in 1994. I prospered as a publisher and author and haven't looked back.
4. I am a frequent guest lecturer at publishing and internet marketing conferences nationwide. In the past 48 months, I have spoken on the same panel with Mark Victor Hansen, Cory Rudl, Yanik Silver, Dottie Walters, Dan Poynter, Marlon Sanders, Joe Vitale, Declan Dunn, Jonathon Mizel, Carl Galletti, Raliegh Pinsky, Tami DePalma, Jill Lubin, and many others.
5. I have been down the road of an author. I've written two "perfect bound" books with bookstore distribution and dozens of videos, workbooks, and audio tapes. I've appeared on over 1500 TV and Radio shows promoting these books. (CNN, Fox News, Leeza, Today Show, Court TV, etc.)
6.My rate for a key note is now $5,000.
7. Authors and publishers have paid me up to $20,000 to supervise and design their internet marketing strategy and website. Or, $300 per hour.
8. Finally, my websites earn a minimum of $11,000 per month even if I don't lift finger. (Most months, much better.)
Would your career benefit from feature articles
about you in these media sources?
If you don't know my background, I've appeared on over 1,500 FM & AM radio shows nationwide. It doesn't matter if you have ever heard my name before. I've never aimed to be super famous. What matters is that the writers, producers and customers in my target niche do know my name. If you are an expert at ANYTHING, this kind of free P.R. is within your grasp. I'll show you how to get it. I'll give you the exact places, names and numbers to resources you need to make your PR campaign effective.
The one appearance on the Howard Stern Show earned me $25,000 while I was sitting at home in my pajamas talking to 3 million listeners in a fun 30 minute interview. In this course, I'll show you how to GET the interviews and how to TURN them into cash. Nobody else teaches you the "business" aspect of free P.R.
You may not know this, but I own or have ownership to all of these websites. I will show you step-by-step how I turned them into residual income and niche market winners! Each one is profitable! Buy my course and I'll teach you how to build your own Internet Network of little automatic money makers!
8. Can I talk to someone who has worked with you?
"Hi Bart! I just wanted to say "Thanks" for all you've done for us. You have really "over-delivered" on the things you promised. Your responsiveness and attention to detail have made this easy and fun.
It's exciting to see the orders starting to come in. Please let me know how I may assist you by recommending your services. "
Your friend, Keith
Keith Hafner www.rocksolidkids.com
khafner @ provide.net |
"I used your course and saved myself $5,000 in the first day! The list of resources you have compiled is worth a fortune. Thanks for sharing it with the world."
Gala Gorman, CPA CFP
"Bart's advice and direction has saved me years of time tryng to figure this out on my own. Being a published "Harper Collins" author, running my own publishing business, keeping my own profits, and building a long-term relationship with my readers is totally new for me. In the long run, hiring Bart will make me thousands of dollars a month more than I would have without him." Sybil Evans, Hot Buttons For Couples
New York, NY
Author "Hot Buttons" published in 7 languages |
"This course was worth 100 times what I paid! There is no substitute for a real 'in-the-trenches' coach that is practicing what he preaches. Bart delivers information and secrets you won't find in any other marketing product. And I know, I've bought them all. There is NO OTHER marketing expert that has lived the life of a published author, media personality, and internet entreprenuer and explains how you can do it too! Buy this course."
Fred Talisman
Professional Coach & Licensed Marriage & Family Counselor
Marina Del Ray, CA |
9. Do you have a guarantee in case I'm dissapointed?
And, like all of my products, you have a ONE FULL YEAR Money Back Unconditional Guarantee! Furthermore, if you apply the systems, follow all the steps, and they don't work for your book or product, I will give you all your money back, plus $20 for your time. You don't need this IRON CLAD guarantee. But the fact I'm willing to make it should show you how confident I am that the contents inside this program are worth more than the purchase price.
I'm so excited to assist you in turning your book into a profitable on-line business where you can earn money 24 hours a day... for years to come. Thanks for enrolling and I'll be talking to you in just moments via the Real Audio lessons you are about to hear. Sincerely,
