Bart Baggett

Hire Bart as a forensic handwriting expert.

Read Bart's biography here.

On-Line Catalog of books,DVD, and programs.

Handwriting Analysis

Corporate Office

Media Inquiries:
310 614 6593



Talent Reel

On Camera Talent . Actor. Host.

Bart Baggett is best known by the general public for his ongoing work in the forensic field of "handwriting analysis" and his worldwide appearances on news shows (CNN, FOX, NBC, etc), documentaries, and television. However, in the past five years, Bart has been quietly building a solid career as an actor, host, & producer. He is well known to directors and producers from Hollywood to Bollywood. If you are in the entertainment field, we welcome your inquiries invite you to contact his representatives for a meeting.

If you are a qualified director or producer, just visit IMDB pro to view Bart's latest resume and video reel.

acting reel

*You must have an active IMDB pro account to view Bart's latest demo reel. Just click on the link above and login.


Speaking and Live Events

Baggett is available for live key-note speaking worldwide at $10,000 per keynote plus travel fees.


Productions and Video

happy bart

Play video here.

View Videos on YouTube of some of Bart's worldwide lectures and TV appearances. Bart's expertise crosses all genres from serious crime news stories, celebrities, educational self-help, and of forensic handwriting analysis. He has hosted FM drive time talk on CBS radio to a series of 24 of the highest paid "life and business coaches" in the USA. He travels worldwide speaking, training, and on-location.

Film, Documentaries. and other Projects

Please contact his agent for all professional acting or hosting projects

Phil Brock / Studio Talent Group
1328 12th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 393-8004


Bart Baggett's Los Angeles Based Headquarters
Sherman Oaks, CA

This office accepts scripts and actor headshots for ongoing projects.

bart 2012
cop 2012
Bart evil killer

You also view Bart's full segment when he interviewed California's top lawmakers on
PBS's KCET's California Connected. Part 1 / Part 2