June 27, 2021
2.5-hour replay of good topics, bullet points, and subjects for a compelling 90-minute zoom class where you enroll from the start to finish into your high-ticket offer.
Re-watch the High-Ticket training and rehearse the 8-minute version before you get to class.
Whether you have 8 minutes or 90 minutes, you will want to touch on each of these key pieces of the sale process.
- Origin Story
- Price Value seeding
- 1-3 key stories (content)
- The Stack Pitch
- The Close.
- The Second Close
Here is part two: 90 minutes
Here are some notes and ideas generated during class from the participants.
Ideas from the June 2021 Class for lecture titles and bullet points (sub-headlines)
How to know your students through handwriting.
How to understand teenagers through handwriting.
Whom is your target market: Teachers
Story: Messy handwriting. Need help.
Discovered emotional damage.
“Sex, Lies, Losers”
Hacking Online Dating for Smart Successful Women.
Target Audience: Single Women.
How to screen online dating to weed out posers, losers, scammers, and players before you waste more time.
Keywords to look for in his profile
Keywords to put in your profile to repel the wrong men.
The first 5 text messages which attract men like bees to honey.
My Secret Weapon that nobody knows about.
What to say on the first video chat.
Science of Happiness. Hardwiring happiness. Confidence
Corporate target market.
Prism Life Design.
Playing in Safe Costing your future.
Future proof your career with Deep Neural Coding.
Are you still making goals and screwing up your life.
5 Steps to Sizzling Self-Confidence.
Wife vs. Mother, win your battle.
- A special class for husbands in India.
Husband and his Mother.
- For Wives Only.
Magical Letters Can Make You a Winner.
Scratch your job and become a businessman. Job mentality.
Break free from your job mentally and become a successful entrepreneur.
5 Secrets to Self-Made Millionaire.
Process: Spot, Observe
How to Handle Toxic People to reduce arguments, get respect, and live drama-free.
behave and respect you.
How to Handle Toxic People that make your life a living hell.
How to avoid spot them and avoid them in under 10 minutes.
Outcome: Save time, money, energy, avoid bad people.
Attract loving, kind generous people and avoid jerks and losers.
improve your marriage in 30 days.
5 hypnotic words that will make pick up his socks.
Limiting Beliefs.
Are you ready to take the plunge?
Fear in handwriting. Damage from childhood.
Overcome your self-doubt, and limiting belifs.
Sell grapho-therapy sessions.
If you think spiders are scary, your should look at your t bar
Discover the one letter which dictates your success in life.
Which of the 4 major defense mechanisms do you have?
3 Emotional Roadblocks that when fixed, can unlock money and love.
3 Roadblocks to Financial Success
Belief systems. Money root of all Evil.
Improve Grades and Focus in under 1/2 hour a day
Improve Grades and Focus through handwriting in 30 days
For Parents, Mothers, and Teachers.
Good habits for health in handwriting.
Get rid of your past baggage and move ahead.
Parenting 2.0
How to be a better parent
For Mothers.
Motherhood 2.0
For mothers with 5-14-Year-olds
Install success traits in your pre-teen to avoid getting knocked when she’s 14.
Special Problems for pre-teens.
Personality test.
Spot learning disability,
Defense mechanism,
Boost self-worth with this one daily exercise.
Handling biggest parenting challenges
effectively and efficiently
Parents love their kids,
Parenting 2.0
Losing patients
Losing confidence
How to identify a parenting obstacle.
KEY CLASS TO WATCH AND LEARN – High Ticket Sales Training
You might benefit from watching this replay 1-3 times, as the information is dense. You learn something. new each time.
1. Watch the replay of the original presentation given to Marketing Mastermind members a few years ago. 90 minutes
2. Download the zipped files and start on your own presentation.
Click here to download zipped files you will want to read before class starts
s3://mastermind_files/High Ticket Enrollment Lecture Class.zip
What’s inside the zipped file.
- Word for word transcript of the original High Ticket Speaker Blueprint
- Excel Spreadsheet to assist you in adapting your 90-Minute lecture to 8 or 20 minutes.
- 90 Minute Time Log overview of the key aspects of the structure of your speech. PDF file.