Credentials of Bart Baggett

For the past 25 years, Bart Baggett has been known as one of the world’s leading Forensic Handwriting Experts. You may have seen him on TV discussing one of his many handwriting analysis books or commenting on current events as part of a top-notch legal team on prestigious networks like CNN, Fox, and NBC.
If you have a forensic handwriting analysis case, please visit this site and schedule a consultation through his team who are trained to discuss forensic forgery cases. However, if you want to hire Mr. Baggett to speak to your company, association, or team, please contact his office directly or visit the speaker kit page. He speaks on forensics, ethics, expert witness consulting, and social psychology of success and entrepreneurship.
About Bart Baggett
Bart Baggett is known worldwide as one of the world’s leading forensic handwriting experts. Bart is also a best-selling author, personal development author, speaker, and entrepreneur.
When Bart is not consulting on multi-million dollar legal cases, he has few hobbies which most people find fascinating.
He is a certified PADI scuba diver and has swam with sharks in the Great Blue Hole in Belise. He does stand-up comedy and getting pretty good at it. He hosts a podcast called The World’s Most Interesting People. He has visited over 22 countries making friends from Nepal to Taiwan. He has been the keynote speaker at conferences in the USA, India, England, Australia, Central America, Beijing China, and Taiwan. His TEDx talk has garnered over 400,000 views and his books on personal development have become Amazon Best Sellers.
Read more and view his recent TV appearances on the Bart Baggett Biography page.
Press. Visit the PRESS PAGE for the media kit, past press releases, and contact information for an interview.
CONTACT BART BAGGETT using the contact page here.
Mayor of Los Angeles Says
“When you need a professional handwriting expert of the highest standards, hire Bart Baggett. He is honest, quick, direct… and will deliver an objective expert opinion, every time. I recommend him without hesitation.”
– Richard J. Riordan,
39th Mayor of Los Angeles
Call to Schedule an appointment with Mr. Baggett or his staff.
Send Text to or Call (213) 817-5596
Baggett helps the attorney in a third case for his firm.
“Thanks to Mr. Baggett’s written opinion, my client’s case settled in our favor for a small amount. Mr. Baggett’s reputation and letter saved my client thousands on a trial. “
Mr. Andrew Smyth, Attorney at Law
Los Angeles, Ca
Baggett helps jilted x-wife win six figure settlement from forged pre-nuptial agreement
“The fact that you were here, in the court, to prove my x-husband forged the pre-nuptial agreement was the key to my divorce case. I can’t thank you enough. You’ve help end this horrible 2 year drama of lies and created justice for me.”
– Michelle Cheeley
San Bernadino, CA
(Husband forged pre-nuptial agreement and settled during the court trial to avoid Bart’s 2nd day of court testimony.)
Baggett helps client recover $6,600.
“Your testimony and support during this lawsuit by my x-girlfriend has been nothing short of amazing. The judge awarded me full amount of the $6,600 and finally I can sleep at night.
And, you went head-to-head against that x-government document examiner and made him look like a babbling idiot. The judge obviously thought you were more credible. Thank God I chose you. “
– Mike Juaraz, East Los Angeles
Helped client avoid 15 years in prison.
“Thanks you soooooo much for going above and beyond. Your testimony was the key the criminal lawsuit against me. The jury found me NOT GUILTY on all counts. They obviously believed you instead of that Police document examiner the D.A. hired.
I was so impressed you handled that District Attorney with such professionalism… he knew you were right, but couldn’t make you look bad on the witness stand.
I have my life back. Thank you Mr. Baggett!”
-Amir Dawood, Attorney, San Bernadino, CA
Attorney’s Recommend Bart.
“Bart Baggett is the best expert witness I’ve ever worked with. What’s more, he successfully testified for my client via telephone in a live trial here in Alaska. He even “consulted with me” on how best to cross-examine the defense’s document examiner. We won the trial and I recommend him whole heartedly.”
— Jim Fry, Attorney, Anchorage, Alaska
Even when Bart isn’t in the room, his reputation helps clients win
“Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Your opinion letter may become enough to prevent a trial.”
— Sandra G. Slater Phoenix, AZ
Just an FYI. We won our case in small claims court (Balboa Capital vs. San Dollar Mortgage Service, Inc) . The judge accepted your “Official Letter of Opinion” in lui of a live testimony and he believed your opinion was credible. Should Mr. Baggett want to use our case for testimonial, feel free to do so. Thanks to you and Bart for efficient service!!!”
— Margaret Granger , San Bernadino, California