The Happiness Radar… Reprogram Your Life Through Better Questions

The Happiness Radar
(This article is taken from chapter 8 of the book The Magic Question-
How to Get What You Want in Half the Time by Bart Baggett.)
Here is the perfect metaphor for the phenomenon of how your brain find answers when you ask the right questions… The Happiness Radar.
Imagine your brain as a control tower on a battleship in the middle of the ocean. Instead of one radar system, you have dozens. You have the happiness radar, the misery radar, the problem radar, the failure radar, the beauty radar, the peace radar, the self-critical radar, the ‘I hate the president radar’, the ‘the world is going to end radar’, etc.
You can choose which radar you want to turn on and which ones you want to turn off.
The happiness radar is simple to activate. Just write the following words on an index card and read it a few times a day:
“What is another reason to be happy now?”
While this sentence seems simple, it is linguistically elegant because it pre-supposed that there was already another reason to be happy. (Now your brain is finding two things, not just one.) And, it has an embedded command to be happy right now; now… not in the future. You could create a slight variation of this sentence like this…
“How many things can I find to be happy about now?”
“How many reasons can I discover to be incredibly happy?”
“Scan the world for reasons to be happy.”
“Show me the many reasons that it’s okay to be joyous right now.”
Asking the question is part one. Finding the answers it part two. You must allocate 60 seconds a day to answer this question 5-12 times a day, every day. This mental process must become a habit. You will be re-wiring your brain and creating new, stronger, neural pathways each time to answer these questions.
Do this every day for 21 days… you will be happier.
It’s like a Thermostat inside your Brain.
Whatever your life looks like today is due to your thermostat being set there.
So what we have to do is change the thermostat. You have to actually program a new thermostat at a different vibrational frequency, so that currently you are hot! Oh my God, I’m so hot! I have to take some action to get cool! You’re going to be so uncomfortable in the current situation, you’ll take action. If you’re too comfortable, you get lazy.
Author John Assaraf used this metaphor of a thermostat, which is very interesting.
He says, “For example, any liquid-cooled car engine has a small device called the thermostat that sits between the engine and the radiator. The thermostat in most cars is about two inches (five cm) in diameter. Its job is to block the flow of coolant to the radiator until the engine has warmed up. When the engine is cold, no coolant flows through the engine. Once the engine reaches its set temperature (generally about 200 degrees F, 95 degrees C), the thermostat opens. By letting the engine warm up as quickly as possible, the thermostat reduces engine wear, deposits, and emissions. It’s really amazing and, if you could see how does its work, it’s like magic!”
Now, I don’t want to force you to be uncomfortable, but I’m suggesting that if you take small steps to change your comfort level, so that you’re not fully comfortable, it’ll motivate you to make some changes…because you’ve got to take a few more actions.
I didn’t have to get up and go the gym this morning, I could have slept another 30, 40 minutes, but it’s important to me to be fit. In fact, I’m uncomfortable when I look fat.
I know a woman who is beautiful and thin, and she perceives herself as fat when the whole world sees her as thin.
Literally, two pounds makes her really uncomfortable, eight pounds makes her sick. Eight pounds is like no, no, no, not eating that! Nope!
She is motivated out of her own uncomfortable-ness. She gets highly uncomfortable about four pounds of weight.
I see people who weigh 400 pounds. In their case, four pounds is irrelevant. They can’t be comfortable at that weight. But, this woman’s four pounds makes her so uncomfortable, she takes massive action.
So the question is: how do you change it? You change it through habitual thinking processes. You change it through changing your internal dialogue. You change it through habits. You change it through increasing your ability to confront reality.
The magic question has been the single-most effective technique for changing the direction of my thoughts and attracting prosperity that I’ve ever discovered. If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see… change your questions first and quiet any negative voices which contain judgment. Tell them to shut up, and turn all your internal voices into question generators.
As discussed in the book The Magic Question, here are a few questions you can write on a brightly colored index card and set your “mind in the direction” of solving them:
What can I eat today that is nutritious?
How much fun will it be to exercise today?
How hot will I look when I get firm and ripped?
One of the best few questions for feeling more confidence
and boosting one’s self esteem is as follow:
What’s attractive about me today?
Which part of my life is really working well?
What is really special and unique about me?
How beautiful is my spirit?
How much value to I bring to the life of others.
The author, Bart Baggett, suggests that you only ask ONE QUESTION per day and repeat it numerous times. This process will stimulate your unconscious mind to find answers to these empowering questions.
The Magic Question: How to Get What You Want in Half the Time
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