Bart Baggett on Voice of Disruption TV

On this 11 minute interview on the Voice of Disruption, Ken Rutkowski talks with Bart Baggett about the science behind Bart Baggett’s unique brand of Prism Life Design.
– How to build a funnel for any industry to attract your ideal client in 5 minutes.
– Why identifying 3 little problems can attract your high ticket-client.
– Can changing your signature really help you make more money?
– What is the one thing you can create in 9.5 hours that establishes you as THE EXPERT in your field.
– Why business owners and entrepreneurs use handwriting analysis to hire smarter and change their mindset to think more like a self-made millionaire.
– Why I use outside consultants to evaluate my own funnel and you should too.
#voice of disruption #kenrutkowski #bartbaggett