Video: 3 Ways To Spot a Bad Temper (Advanced Trait Stacking)

Everyone agrees that a “bad temper” is a personality trait nobody wants to have or be around anyone who does…
However, because it is so “despised” people who have a bad temper have found ways to disguise it so the unsuspecting wife, girlfriend, or employer doesn’t know about it until the proverbial s&@t hits the fan (to use an American metaphor.)
If you’ve studied basic handwriting analysis, you might already be familiar with the accurate an easy-to-spot PRIMARY trait called Temper, as shown in the beginner’s Grapho-Deck Flash cards and all the basic courses.
However, people can have the trait of “Bad Temper” but not have the t-bar stroke (as revealed in the primary trait).
This is when you must discover the fine art of trait stacking, as show in this short video clip below from the
Advanced 501 Mastery Course, by Bart Baggett ( President of Handwriting University and Author of the 501 Mastery Course.)
This video clip recorded live in India as part of the Level 501 Advanced Mastery Course.
Once you have completed the 301 Certification Course (or you feel you have the knowledge
required to be certified), the 501 Course is a great learning tool. This course covers all aspects of
advanced graphology, handwriting analysis, and personality profiling.
Want to learn more? See the Handwriting Courses that are on SALE this month at a deep discount.
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