Tuesday, 18 Feb 2025

Beware of RedZee and other Fake advertising methods.

Oh no… scammers abound on the internet. It seems the handwriting world is being “cold called” by representatives of a search engine company called RED ZEE.com.

If you are advertising using any pay per click search engine (especially google), they are making calls trying to convince you they are cheaper and better then google. Yahoo and Google are the industry leaders in PPC advertsing… MSN is coming along strong as a number three.

Countinue Reading

Is This Marriage Headed for Divorce?

Bart Baggett’s January Newsletter and Announcements! 1. FEATURE STORY: “Is This Marriage Headed for Divorce ” by Bart Baggett 2. Invitation: Live telel-class with Bart Baggett “Everyone NEEDS this knowledge. I’ll never date or hire anyone ever again without analyzing

Countinue Reading

National Handwriting Week

1. Featured Story: “Success Through the Stroke of a Pen” a National Handwriting Week Special Feature2. Specials: Get certified as a Handwriting Analyst! 3. Student Comments: See how Handwriting Analysis has changed the lives of our students around the world!

Countinue Reading