Friday, 28 Mar 2025
Category: Weekly Newsletters

Interview: About Living Your Legacy.

A  few months ago, Bart Baggett sat down with author and retreat leader Lisa Haisha to discuss the idea of living your life with a purpose.  This interview was casual, honest, and might make you question whether or not you

Pure Evil Shown in Handwriting

When you look at the handwriting of a real career criminal… can you spot the issues? In some samples, you probably get a huge GUT FEELING that this is a very very bad man. There are many Hell Traits and Red

Toxic Vocabulary

FEATURE STORY : Toxic Vocabulary By Bart Baggett President, Handwriting University I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age. Not only did my dad understand that specific words affect our mental pictures, but

Donald Trump: Madman or Genius?

What does Donald’s Trump handwriting reveal about his character?  Handwriting Expert Bart Baggett has recorded an extensive in depth personality profile inside this new video. Trump: A Madman or Genius ? Please leave your comments below. You must be a